CCI Toronto News
June 17, 2020 - Legislative Newsflash
CCI-T Legislative Newsflash – EWRB Extended Deadline & Changes to the Employment Standards Act
that we communicate with our members regarding important legislative change that are happening on an ongoing emergency basis impacting condominium corporations. At this time, there are two key legislative changes that will have a short-term impact for condominiums: EWRB filing deadlines and changes to the Employment Standards Act.June 1, 2020 - Legislative Newsflash
COVID-19 Re-Opening
The Government of Ontario recently announced the details of Phase 1 of the province’s re-opening strategy. As of May 19th, some services and businesses previously deemed to be “non-essential” were permitted to resume, subject to certain restrictions.May 20, 2020 - Legislative Newsflash
Showings of Listed Condo Properties During the Ontario State of Emergency
CCI-Toronto's Legislative Committee is aware that there is an ongoing debate within the condominium industry about whether individual showings for condo units are still allowed during the COVID-19 state of emergency in Ontario. We recognize that many of CCI-Toronto's members are realtors themselves, or that realtors serve on their condominium'sApril 27, 2020 - Legislative Newsflash
COVID19 and Condominiums
Amenity Closures – When Can They Be Re-Opened?April 27, 2020 - Legislative Newsflash
Emergency Orders: Providing Flexibility to Condo Corps re COVID-19
CCI-Toronto is pleased to share with our members the information below as received from the Ministry of Government and Consumer ServicesApril 16, 2020 - Ask the Expert Blog
COVID19 and Condominiums
Contracts & Force MajeureApril 14, 2020 - Legislative Newsflash
COVID19 and Condominiums
Information from Toronto Public HealthMarch 27, 2020 - CCI Toronto News
COVID-19 Relief Request
There is no doubt that we are living in an unprecedented time right now and that industries and organizations throughout the Province of Ontario are scrambling to find ways to continue to operate their businesses and/or serve those who they represent during this pandemic.March 27, 2020 - Legislative Newsflash
COVID19 and Condominiums - Important Education and Advocacy
As a follow up to our previous legislative e-blast, the Canadian Condominium Institute wants to update our members on our education and advocacy efforts during this difficult time. The COVID19 pandemic is an evolving issue that continues to cause concern in the condominium community.March 23, 2020 - CCI Toronto News