Condominium Directors' Code of Ethics

CCI has prepared a suggested Code of Ethics for Condominium Directors to adhere to. You are free to download and use the Code of Ethics (PDF) in its current form; if you alter this document in any form, you must note it is modified from the CCI original document.

Suggested Code of Ethics Set Out for Condominium Directors

Honesty and Good Faith – I will act honestly and in good faith. I will do nothing to violate the trust of the unit owners I serve.

Care, Diligence and Skill – I will exercise the degree of care, diligence and skill of a reasonably prudent person in comparable circumstances. I will make a concerted effort to attend all Board and owners' meetings. I will act responsibly and with due diligence to become familiar with the affairs of the Corporation and to uphold its Declaration, Description Plans, By-Laws, Rules, Resolutions, Policies, Agreements and Requirements of the Condominium Act and other legislation.

Conflict of Interest – I am not currently aware of any actual or potential conflict of interest with respect to any contract, transaction, building deficiency claim, warranty claim, legal action, proceedings or any matter detrimental to the Corporation. If I become aware of any conflict, I will immediately disclose it to the Board. I will not promote my own interests or those of any owner, resident, family member, friend or contractor to the detriment of the Corporation. I will not seek any special benefits or privileges as a Director or Officer or accept any compensation either personally or on behalf of any other person except as permitted by a By-Law. I will act only in the best interests of the Condominium Corporation as a whole and I will not favour the interests of any individual or group of owners or residents.

Confidentiality – I will not disclose to any person (including my spouse) information decided by the Board to be confidential or privileged or which reasonably ought to be deemed confidential. When in doubt, I will request determination by a resolution of the Board.

Good Conduct – At all times, I will conduct myself in a professional and businesslike manner at meetings of Directors or Owners. I will approach all Board issues with an open mind, preparing to make the best decisions on behalf of the Corporation. I will act ethically with integrity and in accordance with legal criteria. I will comply with rules of good conduct and will deal with others in a respectful manner. I will comply with principles of good governance and procedural rules of order.

Support – I will abide by decisions of the majority of the Directors even though I may disagree, but I reserve the right to express my own views to owners upon non-confidential issues.

Defamation – I will not make erroneous or defamatory statements about the Corporation or any owner, resident, director, officer, manager, staff or contractor of the Corporation.

Minimize Conflict – I will attempt to prevent or minimize conflict and disruption and will promote good relations amongst persons involved in our Condominium Community. I will promote a first class image for our Corporation, its units, owners and residents.

Education – Recognizing that governance of a Condominium Corporation involves complex and changing requirements, I will continue to educate myself by reading relevant magazines (such as any publication published by your local CCI Chapter, CM Magazine or Condominium Business Magazine). I will support attendance by one or more Board members at any condominium seminars presented by the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI), including CCI's various levels of courses for Directors at the cost of the Corporation.

Download Code of Ethics PDF

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