Reserve Fund Pitfalls... and How to Stay Out of Them

May 27, 2020


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

12:00 - 1:30 PM

On May 27, 2020, CCI Toronto hosted a webinar entitled “Reserve Fund Pitfalls… and How to Stay Out of Them”.

Moderator Joel Berkovitz of Shibley Righton LLP was joined by speakers Nancy Longueira of Morrison Hershfield Ltd., Bill Thompson of Malvern Condominium Property Management, and Sally Thompson of Synergy Partners, to  engage in a lively discussion on how to avoid common reserve funding pitfalls. During this 1 ½ webinar they explained about how to build the Reserve Fund, conduct Reserve Fund studies, how to develop successful strategies for managing Reserve Funds productively, and communicating effectively with owners. They each also presented several fascinating case studies that illustrated problems arising from failures to properly manage the Reserve Fund and how deficiencies were addressed.

Feedback from participants was quite positive with some noting the session was “Truly outstanding. Clear. Concise. Easy to understand. All questions I had in mind were answered before getting to the Q&A. A+” and “Well done! These speakers know what they are talking about and cut to the chase”.


Thank you to our Panelists

Joel Berkovitz
Shibley Righton LLP (Moderator)

Nancy Longueira
Morrison Hershfield Ltd.

Bill Thompson
 Malvern Condominium Property Management

Sally Thompson
Synergy Partners


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