Facebook Live Event - Condos Up In Smoke
October 17, 2018
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Time: 4:20 pm
Moderator: Megan Molloy, BA (Hons), LL.B. Elia Associates Professional Corporation
- Warren Kleiner, BA (Hons), LL.B., Shibley Righton LLP
- Tania Haluk, BA, RCM, FirstService Residential
- Luis Hernandez, BA, JD, Horlick Levitt DiLella LLP
The legalization of recreational cannabis is on the horizon for Canadians on October 17, 2018. Ontario has passed new laws about how, where, and who can buy, possess, and consume cannabis in the province. However, it should not come as a shock to anyone that, while cannabis may become legal, users will still not be able to light up wherever and whenever they want. This is especially true in condominium corporations, where the close proximity of residents means that consumption of cannabis is more likely to have an impact on neighboring units. While the impact of the legalization is likely to have only a limited effect, with it also comes new challenges for our condo communities. Should condos be able to “regulate” the consumption and growing of cannabis in their communities? What else can condos and their residents do to prepare for legalization?
A panel of experts will consider these issues and more, as well as offer tips during this Facebook Live event.
The views and opinions expressed by guests and other participants in this event are not necessarily those of the Toronto & Area Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute.