October 20, 2016

Join us for these upcoming Twitter Chat Sessions!
Security in Condos
Thursday October 20th, 2016
from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
This Twitter chat will cover various considerations surrounding security and condominium living. This is your opportunity to learn from industry experts and ask questions from the comfort of your smart phone or computer!
Guest Tweeters:
Sue Langlois @digitalcondo
Mo Killu @MoKillu
Josh Milgrom @JoshMilgrom
Topics covered will include:
- Concierge or security – what’s the difference?
- Best practices when someone you don’t know tries to enter your condominium
- Appropriate uses of the master key
- The use of cameras – neighbourhood watch or big brother?
- Promoting a safe condominium environment
Condo Vacation Disasters
Thursday February 2nd, 2017
from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
What should condominium residents do as they prepare to take a vacation? How about if they return to their units to discover a disaster? What is the impact of this on residents, owners, tenanted units and/or directors? This Twitter chat will speak to best practices and recommended steps for both condominium residents and Boards of Directors in communicating, managing liability and ensuring that your community is left “Home Alone” safely.
Guest Tweeters:
Tim Duggan @timmyd_
Maria Durdan @M_Durdan
Chris Antipas @chris_antipas
Topics covered will include:
- Insurance coverage limitations when units are vacant
- The responsibilities of a condo resident when they are away
- The responsibilities of a condominium to vacant units
- Best practices surrounding extended vacations
- What to do when disaster strikes
The 420 Chat:
Marijuana & Condos
Thursday April 20, 2017
from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
The way that marijuana is viewed in our society is changing as are the laws that restrict its use. Between growing appreciation of the medicinal benefits “pot” offers and growing intolerance of the nuisance of smoke within condominium communities, many condos are finding themselves in a Catch-22. Join us for a Twitter chat on April 20th to learn more about marijuana in condos and how best to approach it in your community.
Guest Tweeters:
Chris Jaglowitz @chrisjaglowitz
Shawn Pulver @ShawnLP
Dean McCabe @deanmccabe
Topics covered will include:
- Medicinal vs. recreational use upon condominium property
- Liability concerns for your condominium corporation
- Balancing concerns of nuisance against the benefits of use
- Common signs that there is a grow-op in your community and what to do if you suspect one
- The impact of anticipated legislative changes to condominium communities
Twitter Chats provide a great opportunity to interact from the comfort of your own home or office.
You can “join the conversation” and engage with our guest tweeters in the course of the chat, provide
questions for us to pose to participants by sending them in advance to info@ccitoronto.org or opt
to simply tune in to observe and learn.
Everyone is welcome to take part!
To participate:
Sign up for a Twitter account. They are free and easy to establish. We recommend establishing your account in advance of the event to give yourself a chance to get acquainted with the platform.
Follow @CCIToronto. With your account established, you can visit Twitter.com/CCIToronto, sign in, and select “Follow” to connect to the chapter and have our tweets, including the start of the chat, appear in your news feed.
View the Chat. Twitter posts can be connected through the use of what is known as a “hashtag”. The hashtag for our Twitter Chat is #CondoChat. At the time of the chat, log onto your Twitter account and connect via this hashtag. You can do this by clicking on #CondoChat when you see it appear in your news feed (as a result of following @CCIToronto) or by conducting a search of #CondoChat in the search feature in Twitter. You may wish to refresh your browser intermittently to view new content posted.
Note: Following CCI Toronto and our guest tweeters will allow you to view their contributions to the chat in your Twitter news feed but not contributions made by others who you do not follow. If your plan is to take in only the contributions of our guest tweeters, following them in advance and tuning in when the chat is live is all you need to do.
Contribute. If you would like to contribute a comment or question in the course of the chat, post a tweet that includes the hashtag #CondoChat within it. If you would like to pose a question specifically directed to one of our guest tweeters, also include their “handle” in your post.
For example: #CondoChat @MoKillu - What is the difference between concierge & security?
There is certain etiquette to keep in mind when using Twitter; self-promotion, “over-tweeting” and offensive contributions are inappropriate, so be mindful that you are contributing to the chat for the benefit of everyone who is taking it in.
It may help to consider yourself as attending a seminar or presentation in person and asking a speaker a question in front of a group of people.
Most importantly, have fun and enjoy this unique opportunity to interact and learn!