Reserve Funds & Reserve Fund Studies

Reserve Fund Interest Rates (Fall 2014)
Whose Responsibility and What Rates?
by Graham Segger

New Construction Performance Guidelines Clarify Tarion’s Coverage for Condominium Common Elements (Winter 2012)
by Sean Allman

What is a Reserve Fund? Back to the Basics (Fall 2012)
by Cathy Lee

Reserve Fund Investments: Condo Equality with Social Housing (Summer 2010)
by Gordon J. Chong

Managing Your Reserve Fund Through HST Implementation (Winter 2009)
by Sally Thompson

Adequate Reserve Fund – Defined! (Winter 2009)
by Sally Thompson

Performance Audits -Why? -What? -When? -Who? (Winter 2008)
by Jeff Jeffcoatt

Performance Audits (Fall 2004) 
by Gina Cody, P.Eng., Ph.D., ACCI, FCCI

The Condominium Act, 1998 introduced mandatory provisions for Performance Audits. What does this mean for condominium owners and how are they protected by the one, two and seven year warranties offered by Tarion?

Reserve Fund Fraud: A Case Study (Summer 2004) 
by Christopher J. Jaglowitz, LL.B.

This is the story of two Ontario condominiums that collectively lost over $500,000 that was diverted and siphoned out of their reserves over the course of several years by their long-time property manager.

What the New Reserve Fund Changes Will Mean (Summer 2004) 
by Gina Cody, P.Eng., Ph.D., ACCI, FCCI

The reserve fund provision in the Ontario Condominium Act, 1998, which came into effect on May 5, 2001 is one of the most important and far-reaching measures in the legislation. This article takes a practical look at what those changes really mean.

Reserve Fund Deficiencies - How Much? What to Do? (Winter 2002)
By John Warren, CA

As the deadline to complete reserve fund studies draws nearer, many corporations are receiving reports indicating that significant common element fee increases and/or special assessments will be required. Are the studies correct? What can be done about the increases? How directors decide to balance the need to properly fund the reserve for major repairs and replacements with the financial concerns of the owners is likely the biggest challenge they will face over the next few years.

The Right Stuff: Guidelines for Hiring a Reserve Fund Study Consultant (Fall 2001) 
by Peter Leong, P.Eng. ACCI, FCCI, Cochrane Engineering Ltd.

"The Condominium Act 1998 requires that all corporations complete a Reserve Fund Study and update this study every three years. Guidelines for hiring the right Reserve Fund Study Consultant for your corporation are presented in this timely article which examines qualifications, experience and selection criteria".

For articles newer than 2016, please go to our new CondoVoice Archive

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