Environmental Issues

Update on Upcoming Electricity Bill Charges (Winter 2015)
by Murray Johnson

Butt Out!! (Winter 2015)
Taking Your Condo Non-Smoking
by Lynda Leaf

Reducing Environmental Impact (Summer 2015)
Cost-Effective Waste Management and Recycling Strategies
by Derrick Tuyl

The Shock of Ever-Increasing Utility Costs (Summer 2015)
by Ernie Nyitrai

Smart Water Gardening (Summer 2014)
Balancing budget against beauty
by Gino Piscelli and Jeremy Harris

Salt Water Pools are the Future (Summer 2014)
And YES, they have chlorine!
by Roger Thompson and Faisal Hussain

Home Is Where the Charger Is (Summer 2014)
Condominium EV Chargers
by Rob Detta Colli

Raise Recycling (Spring 2014)
York Region’s Integrated Waste Management Master Plan
by Ernie Nyitrai

CCI-T Supports Toronto Green Standard Renewal (Winter 2013)
by Murray Johnson

Make-Up Air Units What You Should Know (Fall 2013)
by David Uren

Power Outages Increase Challenges for Condos (Fall 2013)
by Michele Farley

A Single Solution to all Your Energy Problems? Hogwash! (Summer 2013)
by Murray Johnson

Solar Panels: Capturing the Best of the Sun's Ample Energy (Spring 2013)
By Christine Lepage

The Occupy Movement Continues But Now its Bed Bugs and They’re Showing Resistance (Summer 2012)
By Dan McCabe

Organic Waste - Implementation Strategies (Summer 2012)
By Nena Gajic

Is Your Condo Current with the City’s New Green Bin and Electronic Waste Policy? (Spring 2012)
by Tim Reeve-Newson

Guaranteed Energy Savings - New Insurance Product Allows Companies to Guarantee Savings from Energy Retrofits (Winter 2011)
by Bryan Purcell

Improving Diversion of Waste in High-Rise Buildings (Fall 2011)
by Sally Thompson, P.Eng. & Bob Girard

Energy Savings Purchase Agreements - A New Financing Approach for Condominium Energy Efficiency Upgrades (Fall 2011)
by Bryan Purcell

Retro-Commissioning: Optimizing Condominium Energy Performance (Fall 2011)
by Eric Chisholm & Luke Smeaton

Green Condo Champions: A Survey of Energy Performance in 50 Condominiums (Summer 2011)
by Bryan Purcell

How Does Your Building Perform? - The Power of Benchmarking and Establishing an Energy Reduction Plan (Summer 2011)
by Adrien Deveau & David Uren

Green Condo Champions (Spring 2011)
by Bryan Purcell

Sidewalk Snow/Ice Removal Responsibilities (Winter 2010)
by J. Robert Gardiner

Here Comes the Sun: Is Solar PV a Good FIT for Your Condominium? (Fall 2010)
by Tim Stoate and Bryan Purcell

How to Pay for Retrofits (Fall 2010)
by David M. Morrison

Fix It Before It Breaks - How Proactive Equipment Replacement Can Reduce Your Energy Costs and Avoid Costly Repairs (Summer 2010)
by Brian Purcell & Tim Stoate

Potential Closing of Garbage Chutes at Selected Multi-Residential Buildings as Part of aWaste Diversion Plan (Spring 2010)
By Bob Girard, B.Comm, ACCI, FCCI, RCM
Chair, Special Projects Committee, CCI-Toronto & Area Chapter

Information Bulletin Re Home Renovation Tax Credit Energy Efficiency –  A Great Investment Opportunity (Spring 2010)
by Tim Stoate

New “One-stop” Service Provides Energy Efficiency Incentive  (Winter 2009)
Information for Condos
by Tim Stoate

Toronto Waste Management Updates (Spring 2009)
by Doug King

Toronto’s War on Waste (Winter 2008) 
by Lynn Gorman

Inside, Outside, Upside Down - A Practical Guide to Reducing Energy Costs (Winter 2008) 
by Christopher Harris

Sub-Metering: One Year Later (Winter 2008) 
by Maria Dimakas

A Successful Energy Savings Program at Two Aberfoyle (Summer 2008) 
by Jim Book
Publicly viewable - this article is available in it's entirety for downloading and printing in PDF format.

Windancer -Wind Turbine Reinvented (Summer 2008) 
by Michael Joseph

Seeking to Grow Enthusiasm for Balcony Gardening (Summer 2008) 
by Justine Cooke

Municipal Downloading of Waste Management
by Bob Girard

Ecology and Economy - Can These Go Hand in Hand in a Condominium Retrofit?
by Tim Stoate

Retrofits can be perfect partnerships between ecology and economy and leave a lasting, positive legacy.

Toronto Waste Mangement & Recycling Update (Winter 2007)
by Doug King

Not-So-Smart Sub-Metering (Winter 2007) 
by J. Robert Gardiner

The South Kingsway Water Efficiency Program (Winter 2007) 
by Christopher Harris

Breathe Easier - Kill A Watt
by Jeff Jeffcoatt, P.Eng, BDS, RCM

Every watt of electricity we save means less pollution at the power generation stage.

Energy Windmills at Erie Shores Wind Farm
by Vida Bridgeman

It has been reported that the Erie Shores Wind Farm will generate enough electricity for 32,000 Ontario homes.

Government Energy Initiatives
by Office of Energy Efficiency, Environment Canada

A short-term extension of climate change programs, including initiatives for commercial and institutional buildings from National Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) has now been approved.

Can Your Condominium Afford NOT to Retrofit?
by Mara Del Bianco

Managing the rising costs of condominium fees is one of the many and significant challenges confronting condo Boards and owners today.

Energizing Condominium Properties
by Dan MacDougall

In some parts of the country, limited electricity capacity is driving programs to reduce usage to ensure sufficient capacity for all users.

Individual Metering for Condominiums is One Step Closer! (Summer 2006)
by Maria Dimakas, B.A., LL.B.

The Energy Conservation Responsibility Act 2006 (the ECLA) is designed, among other things, to promote opportunities for energy conservation in condodminiums.

Implementation of Waste Reduction Levy for Multi-Unit Residences (Summer 2006)
by Bob Girard, B.Comm, R.C.M.

At the present time Condominiums, Apartments and Townhouses of 8 units or more, are recovering just 20% of recyclable items.

Managing the Risks of Mould (Fall 2003)
By: Robert Marshall, P.Eng.

A look at the causes of mould as well as tips and recommendations for avoiding the adverse impact mould can have upon the building structure. By implementing a risk management strategy, Boards and Property Managers can achieve buildings that don't allow mould to adversely impact the building structure or the owners.

Returning to Nature (Summer 2003)
By: Wayne Blampied

Many municipal governments are working at banning pesticides. Planning ahead will mean that condominiums will be prepared if such bans come into effect. In this article, healthy lawn care specialist, Wayne Blampied provides tips and advice on how 'to go organic'.

Lettuce Inform You - We're Going Green Toronto! (Summer 2003)
By: Jason Tower

Garbage - it's simply a dirty word to most people - especially to the residents of the GTA, as they are in piles and piles of it these days and are looking for somewhere to put it. The City of Toronto recognizes there is a lot of work to be done in reducing waste in highrise buildings and believes "going green" may be the ticket. In this article, the challenges and obstacles to implementing a successful organic collection program are examined.

Energy Costs: It's Payback Time!
by Chris Tyrrell

To answer your questions about reducing energy consumption, your best bet is to contact a consultant or supplier that specializes in energy efficiency.

Electronic Sub Metering of Utility Consumption in Condominiums (Summer 2002)
by Warren D. Kleiner LL.B., Miller Thomson LLP

While energy costs have become increasingly high and volatile and are causing havoc with condominium corporation's budgets, the option of sub-metering each unit is something more and more boards are considering. Warren Kleiner provides an in depth look at what boards need to consider from a legal perspective before making the change.

Water... Water... Costly Water Everywhere... What price Conservation? (Spring 2002) 
by Steve Willerding B.A. B.Ed., CCI Director and Chair of Special Projects Committee

Author Steve Willerding takes a look at the rising costs of water and how these increases are affecting condominium corporations. Also examined are the incentive programs being offered by the City of Toronto and how condominium corporations can take advantage of them.

Let's Talk Trash (Summer 2001)

An important article outlining new pieces of waste management legislation enacted by the City of Toronto to help promote waste reduction activities at high-rise residential buildings. Includes steps which developers need to incorporate/feature in new buildings. The full article is posted on this website in the 'News' section.

For articles newer than 2016, please go to our new CondoVoice Archive

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