Board of Directors & Meetings

The Journey to CondoSTRENGTH (Winter 2015)
A Program for the Practical Side of Condominium Directorship
by Marc Bhalla

Getting Unanimous Decisions (Winter 2015)
It Can Be Hard to Find Common Ground
by Harry Bhalla

Condo Etiquette (Winter 2015)
A Series Devoted to the Practical Aspects of Condo Living

So You Want to be a Board Director (Fall 2015)
What’s it all about?
by Sue Langlois

Condominium Board Role Round-up (Fall 2015)
Typical Officers’ Powers and Duties
by Andrea Lusk

Condo Etiquette (Summer 2015)
A Series Devoted to Practical Aspects of Condo Living

Condo Etiquette (Spring 2015)
A New Series Devoted to Practical Aspects of Condo Living

Condominium Board Appreciation (Spring 2015)
by Megan Molloy

To Attend or Not to Attend Your AGM
It Shouldn't Really be a Question (Spring 2015)
by Tim Duggan

Director's Code of Ethics (Winter 2014)
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
By Ben Rutherford

Condominium Director Education (Winter 2014)
by Bob Girard

Demystifying Director’s Liability (Spring 2014)
by Josh Milgrom

Keep it Short and Simple (Summer 2013)
by Odysseas Papadimitriou

The Successful Annual General Meeting (Winter 2012)
by Paul Chamberlain

Six Common Approaches of Successful and Effective Boards (Fall 2013)
by Patricia Elia

Where Were the Directors? (Summer 2012)
by Patricia E. Elia

The Condo Board as Asset Manager: Define your Vision, then Align your Decisions (Spring 2012)
by Sally Thompson

Dysfunctional Condo Boards: How to Make Them Work (Spring 2012)
by Jeanette Bicknell and Pamela Hudak

The Role of the Officers in a Condominium Corporation (Spring 2012)
by Donna J. Farr

A Bit About Proxies (Winter 2011)
by Michael Clifton

Administrative Tips on How to Run an Efficient Board Meeting (Summer 2011)
provided courtesy of the CCI-Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Getting Ready for Your AGM? - A Time Line for AGM Preparations (Summer 2011)
provided courtesy of the CCI-Golden Horseshoe Chapter

What Your Board Can’t Tell You (Summer 2011)
by Lavonne McCumber-Eals

How Do Boards Get Paid? (Summer 2011)
by Michael H. Clifton

What Does the Standard of Care Really Mean? - Part Two (Winter 2010)
by Michael Gwynne

Mentally Incompetent Directors (Fall 2010)
by Rhonda Shirreff & Andrew Bourns

What Does the Standard of Care Really Mean? - Part One (Fall 2010)
by Michael Gwynne

The Board of Directors: It’s Just a Few Hours Per Week Right? (Fall 2010)
by Brian Horlick

Nominating and Electing Condominium Directors (Summer 2010)
by Lou Natale

What the Condominium Board Should be Considering Every Year – An Annual Checklist (Spring 2010)
by Michael H. Clifton

Motivating the Unmotivated: Another Governance and Maintenance Responsibility of Condominium Corporations (Winter 2009)
by Deborah M. Howes

Information Meetings (Winter 2009)
by Michael Clifton

Be the Best Board! (Spring 2009)
by Peter Greco

Minutes (Winter 2008)
by Dean McCabe

The Nuts & Bolts of Turnover Meetings (Winter 2008)
by Armand G.R. Conant

The Appointment of Administrators (Winter 2007)
by Andrew W. Wallace

In some cases the checks and balances in the "Act" are not being adhered to.

Appointment of an Administrator – The Legal Perspective (Winter 2007)
by Brian Horlick, B.Comm., B.C.L., LL.B., ACCI

There are circumstances when the appointment of an administrator is the only hope.

Understanding the Relationship Between Board and Management
by Alan Rosenberg

Establishing and maintaining good standards contribute positively to the relationship between
the board and management.

Heeding Professional Advice in Good Faith
by Michael H. Clifton

It is incumbent upon the directors of a condominium corporation not only to do as their professionals advise, but to hire, inform, and rely upon them.

Director/Manager Fraud
by Ron Danks and Craig Robson

Important suggestions to reduce the chances of fraud as well as the extent of it, if it does occur.

Board Confidentiality
by Brian Horlick

The implementation of a code of ethics that codified the directors' duty of confidentiality would serve to maintain highest standards of ethical conduct for all directors of condominium corporations.

Running Efficient and Productive Board Meetings (Spring 2006)
by Michael D. Pascu, LL.B.

It is crucially important to the proper administration of a corporation to master the skills of running a productive Board meeting.

Effective Use of Committees and Volunteers (Spring 2006)
by Barry Widman, LL.B., ACCI, FCCI

Committees can be very useful to the Board and Corporation if they are properly mandated and controlled.

Duties of the Director and the Standard of Care (Spring 2006)
by John M. Warren, CA

To be a fine Director and a make a significant and positive contribution to your community, take heart, take advice, and take courses.

The Reluctant Director (Spring 2006)
by Ron Danks

Consider developing an Information Package for new Directors outlining their responsibilities.

What Boards/Owners Can, Cannot and Should Do (Winter 2002)
By Howard Walker, FRAIC

Since May 5th, 2001, considerably more onus is now placed on upon Board Directors, bringing their responsibilities more in line with those exacted under the Ontario Business Corporations Act. In essence, they are being held to higher, more stringent, fiduciary standards than previously. This article provides a quick reference list of what Boards/Owners can and cannot do as regulated by the Condominium Act.

Can I Become A Director of a Condominium? (Spring 2002) 
by Denise Lash LL.B., ACCI, Miller Thomson LLP

Are you considering running for the board of directors of your condominium corporation? If so, Denise Lash offers insight on what you should consider to prepare for the job.

How People Collectively Do and Don't Get Along (Winter 2001) 
by Jasmine Martirossian B.A., M.A., PhD., Community Associations Institute

In this interesting article, author Jasmine Martirossian takes a look at group dynamics and relates it to how members on condominium boards do and don't get along! 

A Day in the Life of a Director: From the Perspective of the Engineer and the Lawyer (Fall 2001)
by Denise Lash LL.B., ACCI and Dr. Gina Cody P. Eng. ACCI

What is it like to be a condominium director? What issues do directors deal with? Is it all fun and games? Here is what Gina - the engineer and Denise - the lawyer have to say about director's responsibilities. 

Owners Meetings: At the Registration Desk (Fall 2001) 
by Denise Lash LL.B., ACCI, Miller Thomson LLP

Here is a helpful list of suggested steps to follow at your corporation's next Annual General Meeting. Items covered include owners lists and the changes to proxy forms under the new Act. 

A Salute to Condominium Directors (Summer 2001) 
by Marilyn Lincoln, WNCC

Without the dedication of condominium owners who volunteer to be Board directors, who would oversee the growth, improvement, security and legal operations of your valuable investment? Here's an article that suggests a way of recognizing directors and encouraging support from owners. 

The Use of Proxies to Elect Directors (Spring 2001) 
by Gerrit Roosenboom, The Grand Harbour, Barrie

Some thoughts on the proper and improper use of proxies to elect Directors. 

Owner's Meetings (Spring 2001) 
by Janice Pynn, RCM, ACCI, Del Property Management

The changes within the new condominium act have made what were generally considered rather simple procedures much more complicated to the point where corporations may have a difficult time making the transition from the old act to the new. This article explores the sub- sections impacting on owners' meetings.

For articles newer than 2016, please go to our new CondoVoice Archive

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