Volume 22, Issue Number 3, Spring 2017
Condominium and Industry Profiles

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Acronyms Worth Knowing

(relating to proposed new Condominium Legislation in Ontario)

By CCI | Other articles by CCI

In an effort to help condo directors navigate their way through finding qualified industry professionals to work with, CCI presents Alphabet Soup, a quarterly column to help directors make meaning of what the letters for various industry designations mean. This article will focus on the acronyms relating to proposed new Condominium Legislation in Ontario.

As the Government of Ontario moves forth with new Condominium Legislation in Ontario, Bill 106, consisting of two statutes - the Protecting Condominium Owners Act, 2015 and the Condominium Services Act, 2015, will soon become law. Within these statutes are many acronyms which will become more commonly used.

AAs: Administrative Authorities

Under the new legislation, two AAs or Administrative Authorities will be created; the Condominium Authority Office and the Condominium Management Licensing Authority.

CAO: Condominium Authority Office

The CAO will handle functions under the amended Act relating to matters such as education for directors, administering a registry of and data about condominium corporations and dispute resolution.

CMLA: Condominium Management Licencing Authority

The CMLA will be responsible for the licensing and regulation of condominium property managers.

CMSA: Condominium Management Services Act

One of the two statutes covered under Bill 106. It deals primarily with the licensing and regulation of condominium property managers.

PCM: Principal Condominium Manager

As part of the condominium management provider licence application, a principal condominium manager working for the applying organization must be identified. The PCM must hold a general licence and must have successfully completed educational requirements for a PCM, if any, as specified by the Minister or registrar.

POCA: Protecting Condominium Owners Act

One of the two statutes covered under Bill 106. It significantly and dramatically amends much of the Condominium Act, 1998.

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Spring 2017
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