Volume 24, Issue Number 4, Summer 2019
Property Management Issues

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Tips for Managers, Boards or Both

Some Helpful Thoughts to Help Everybody to Get Along

By unknown | Other articles by unknown

Tips for Managers

  • Remember that directors are volunteers, sacrificing their time to support the community.
  • Get to know each director and foster good individual relations. Avoid playing favourites
  • Treat all directors as equals and avoid engaging in community politics.
  • Be open and honest
  • Avoid acting like a “know it all” and admit if something arises that is beyond your expertise.
  • Follow up and establish yourself as someone who is reliable.
  • Support the educational pursuits of your directors (mandatory and voluntary). Appreciate that educated Boards make better decisions for the community.

“Fostering a team mindset can get everyone working together”

Tips for Boards

  • Remember that property management is a job, not a lifestyle. Appreciate that the manager has a life beyond work.
  • Keep the manager in the loop - even if it is better to exclude them in certain communications, let them know what is going on. Avoid “blindsides”
  • Promote an atmosphere of respect that is free of abuse or hostility. Support your manager if someone within the community acts inappropriately and help establish boundaries.
  • Appreciate the value that good management brings to the community and express it. Thank the manager at the AGM and let others know about the good things they do.
  • Treat your manager as a member of your team. Just because they have a different role than the Board does not mean that they are not a contributor. Fostering a team mindset can get everyone working together.

Tips for Both

  • Clearly define roles and stick to them. There is smoother sailing when directors direct and managers manage, avoid directors managing or managers directing. “Know your role and shut your mouth.” - The Rock
  • Get everyone on the same page about communication, especially in between Board meetings. When can replies reasonably be expected? How many communications are reasonable?
  • Establish a mutual relationship of support to encourage success. Do not undermine one another or allow a sentiment to form that pits the Board and management as working against each other.
  • Actively work on building trust with one another. Be open and honest. Consider taking small steps to gain trust. Do not assume that trust should be given, earn it. This works both ways!
  • Promote an environment of openness and transparency. Avoid anyone being fearful of asking silly questions or sharing ideas to allow multiple perspectives to be considered in the course of putting the community first.

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Summer 2019
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