Lorne Young "Chapter of the Year Award"

Each year CCI chapters compete for the "Lorne Young Chapter of the Year" distinction and plaque. The award goes to the chapter providing the most benefit to its members while exceeding the minimum requirements in all areas of chapter re-certification requirements.

The award is named in honour of a CCI past National Chair, Lorne Young. Lorne’s dedication to the condominium industry and to CCI is reflected in a national award that bears his name. The Lorne Young Chapter of the Year Award is presented annually to the Chapter that best reflects Lorne’s high standard of service to members.

The CCI Toronto chapter has been a proud recipient of the Lorne Young Award five times in our chapter history. For a full list of past winners, see below.

About Lorne Young

Read more about Lorne Young +/-

Shortly after the National Canadian Condominium Institute was formed in Toronto, this young man with boundless energy was the motivating force in the formation of the Manitoba Chapter. Lorne Young, a Winnipeg property manager, provided financial support, a positive attitude and tireless devotion to the cause.

Lorne’s introduction to condominiums began in the late 1970’s while employed with Adway Sales and Marketing when he was given the task of handling the condo conversion of a large apartment complex. Lorne worked closely on the project with Bob Smethurst, a founding member of the Canadian Condominium Institute.

Shortly after the conversion was completed, Lorne and Bob came to the conclusion that Manitoba and Winnipeg needed an organization to lobby for legislative reforms and to provide education for those involved in the condominium industry including developers, managers, condo corporation directors/owners and professional groups. The organizational details were worked out and tailor-made for Manitoba in a series of additional meetings with other interested parties and one of Lorne’s dreams was accomplished with the formation of the Manitoba Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute in April 1984.

During this time, Lorne realized another dream with the creation of SMI Sunridge Management Inc. SMI managed a large portfolio of condominiums and other properties across Western Canada while he was an owner and President of the firm. The SMI portfolio was eventually acquired by O&Y Enterprise Real Estate Services.

Lorne Young served as Vice President for the first two years after the incorporation of CCI Manitoba and then succeeded Bob Smethurst as President from 1986 to 1989. He was also on the National Board of CCI and was National Chair from 1989 until his tragic death in a snowmobile accident.

Lorne Young’s accomplishments while President of the Manitoba Chapter included:

  1. The establishment of a special tax classification for owner/occupied condominiums
  2. Development of CCI education courses in Manitoba
  3. 75% increase in Manitoba Chapter membership
  4. nitiation of the CCI Manitoba newsletter


At the 1989 Annual Conference, Lorne Young, having completed his participation in the Conference, was seen asking if he could get home earlier than awaiting the closing ceremonies. He subsequently phoned the airline to see if he could and when confirmed, he flew home on the earlier flight so as to be able to spend more time with his family.

Unfortunately he suffered his tragic death in a snowmobile accident on January 28th, 1990 at the age of 36 years.

Sources: Larry Beeston, F.C.C.I., Rob Giesbrecht, F.C.C.I., Hugh Falconar, F.C.C.I.

Lorne Young/Chapter of the Year Award Recipients

Tier 1: New Brunswick Chapter
Tier 2: Grand River Chapter

Tier 1: South Saskatchewan Chapter
Tier 2: North Alberta Chapter

Tier 1: Newfoundland and Labrador Chapter
Tier 2: North Alberta Chapter

Tier 1: Newfoundland and Labrador Chapter
Tier 2: North Alberta Chapter

Tier 1: South Saskatchewan Chapter
Tier 2: Eastern Ontario Chapter

Tier 1: South Alberta Chapter
Tier 2: Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Tier 1: South Alberta Chapter
Tier 2: North Alberta Chapter

Tier 1: Huronia Chapter
Tier 2: Toronto Chapter

Tier 1: Nova Scotia Chapter
Tier 2: Manitoba Chapter

Ottawa Chapter

Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Toronto & Area Chapter

South Saskatchewan Chapter

London Chapter

Huronia Chapter

Toronto & Area Chapter

Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Huronia Chapter

Toronto & Area Chapter

Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Atlantic Chapter

​Manitoba Chapter

Manitoba Chapter

North Alberta Chapter

North Alberta Chapter

South Alberta Chapter

London Chapter

North Alberta Chapter

Manitoba & Toronto Chapter

Ottawa Chapter

North Alberta Chapter

Saskatchewan and North Alberta Chapter  

Manitoba Chapter

Ottawa Chapter

South Alberta Chapter


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